
I kissed you today,

So gentle I doubt you knew.

It was not a kiss of passion,

But my pure promise to us.

We will not die,

and I will come for you.

I kissed you on the forehead,

Where it meets your chestnut hair.

Like a father kisses a daughter.

As a queen kisses a brave knight.

I promised my love to you in that kiss,

Your eyes will hold me true, and your smile

Will never leave my heart.

You were so beautiful today. I died to the world with all of its impurity. But my love for you is pure, and that is what I live by. I will never forget your touch. I held you, and that is all that will ever matter. If I die someday in a war of hate ten thousand miles away, I will die remembering the day I held you. I will die smiling.

You asked me how well I know you. I know your soul because I have seen it. Pera loshum asherum. Nera loshum domeigh. Dareadaleighpah.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I will always love you.

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Marco's picture

This is my favorite poem of yours. Even if it's not about me.