
The poisionous venom inside of me has found its way to you

And its turning your insides blue mirroring mine

We trudge on believing we can do it, telling ourselves that it can't affect us

But the blue spreads deeper and deeper until we collapse

on each other

No one can help us now

We are on our own

We have to dig deep down into ourselves and find every last piece of blue

Once we have discovered it all, thats when we cover it up

Right? It's just about covering things up 

There is no true treatment 

Our treatment is putting a patch over all the blue spots that you can find

Everyone thinks we are up and walking 

They don't see any blue anymore

So we must be okay

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm just a beginner, still learning, i just do it for fun so its nothing serious! 

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a.griffiths57's picture

    The camoflage described



The camoflage described in your poem here is excellent and all to hide the hurt, of being transparent in life. Liked your poem very much.

Taylor.Mueller's picture

thank you very much!!

thank you very much!!