Words Of Pain

Words of pain…
Hidden by a wall of shame,
Because we think we’re better then each other
Causing us to say “goodbye” to our love that we shared,
Because we can’t say “I’m sorry for everything I done and I am wrong”
That makes me lay awake on my bed of thorns
I cry out your name at night…
Thinking that you might come back
Knowing that I’m all alone and knowing you might not come back
Tears of sadness and unbearable shame flow down my face…
Like a mad streaming river that destroys everything in its path
Words of pain…
That was said in anger,
Now destroys us both…
I’m hoping that you know what I said was wrong…
And that you will forgive me for what I said and did,
Words of pain…
That hurt you and me like a bad disease
I’m hoping that this “I’m sorry”
Will cure the pain that we both have caused
Because I know that you love me so,
I just hope that one day soon I can hear those words again…
“I love you”

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tattooedangel192007's picture

I'd like to thank the two of

I'd like to thank the two of you for taking the time to read my poems... and for commenting them it means alot!

Xoxo Tattooed Angel Xoxo

Crystal A Cupak

brokenbrandie's picture

So very true & moving

So very true & moving

bigluv21's picture

Nice job. Its amazing how

Nice job. Its amazing how hard words can really hurt. I remember when we use to say "Sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me" Boy was that wrong.