Currency of Conscience

Should i listen to my father,

When he shows me right from wrong,

The truth just serves to scold me,

While the lies bring peace and calm.

He was onlt trying to help me,

With the problems that i faced,

But what reason could he give me,

For the manipulation of our race.

What is it that keeps us,

From perfect harmony?

The obsession of our leaders,

With wealth and material greed.

Blame lays at the door of the devils currency,

A system to control,

Based on nothing but money.

Wise men abandon morals ,

Like a snake abandons skin,

They forget the perils of their youth,

Betraying the very people,

That they, themselves, had once  been.

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I would call it Currency of Conscience because it draws the eye and the title will make you think how monetary affects ones conscience and makes them act