
Eating me alive,

I cannot concentrate.

Tried to survive,

But I will leave this up to fate.

Torment me.

Kill me.

Tease me.

Feel me.

Kiss me.

Love me.

You are my disease.

Keeping me up all night,

Cry, just, cry.

My heart I fight,

But it would never lie.

Steal me.

Beat me.

Starve me.

Cheat me.

Rape me.

Scoff me.

You are my disease.

Peel me.

Deal me

        (out to your friends)

Fold me.

Burn me.

Hug me.

Turn me.

Learn me.

You are my disease.

Eat my insides up and then

Watch me die slowly.

Try to kiss my tears away,

Then try to unfold me,

My disease.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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Tyler R's picture

Honestly, too much rhyming. Too much makes it seem too..childish. TO ME. Of course, I've been reading nothing but freeform poetry. Yours is the only that I've read lately with steady rhyme and consistancy. Although I don't like the genre, I admire yours because I know the background--you. Plus, the fragments are nice. I'm starting to get into them--if you've read my latest, you could tell. I just think that it gives the poem that whole 'read from the scenery of a playscript' feel. That's really nice.