I'm not a poet

I’m not a poet I just put words together.  But since I’m hung like a baby does that make me childish?  I fool so feelish I don’t know who is me, but one thing’s for certain:  I’m about to pull the curtain off this oz experience.  A wonderful wizard of, pause, what do we have here, a man behind a booth who can’t shed tears?  If you try so hard at cryin but fail in every attempt you make of it, then consider yourself blessed that you reflex failed the test (you’re emotions are blanketed), making you more human because you have error.

I used to try hard not to care, because hurt was too much pain.

But my heart almost flickered out because there wasn’t any fuel to feed the flame.

Although, I stopped playing games with love, like tic-tac-toe, they usually ended up being a cats’, and pussy is all the same.

Please pardon my filthy jargon, but it slipped.

Remember im not a poet, but a child, ken doll equipped.

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Jessica T's picture

I've read this many times before, but just now I noticed how "I'm not a poet I just put rhymes together" kind of parallels "I'm not a player I just fuck a lot." I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but sure makes me like that line a lot more.

Margaret Stretch's picture

Your writing is like a protest. It is something that I strive to do but doubt that I can.