Minute (2024 challenge day 31)


wait a minute what’s a minute

count me out and leave me dry

kaleidoscope the ways I’m sodden

never let a minute pass


light it up and you’ll be stranded

fire leaves as fire starts

island you like it’s a birthday

shredded screaming not your own


tell a story light a candle

pictures of that long-dead past

memory of mustang sailboat

cache holds what you’ve never loved


wild summer comes a crawling

down the street you’ll never see

petrified you bring me closer

silent broken island steam


now that I know better

I will never lose my mind

wait a minute waste a minute

watch you climb up to the view


phantom limb slip forward

catch me if the ocean’s dry

wait a minute lose a minute

echo lonely

find an end


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 4/20/24


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