In a world like this
it’s a feat to say
things that haven’t been said.
So instead we’ll try to say
things that have been said
in different, prettier ways.
We build apologies
like marble staircases,
weave love
like fishing nets,
I’ll give you more
as long as you don’t mind
In a world like this
it’s a feat to climb
mountains that haven’t been touched.
So instead we’ll try to
climb the old mountains
and plant roses at the peaks
so we fall in love whenever we can.
We glint our heartbeats
off rocking chairs
and dusty old hardwood floors
so we can mix antique with
the love that’s too new to fix
In a world like this
it’s a feat to create
colors that haven’t been seen
So instead we’ll try to
combine everything we know
and make a new kaleidoscope
so we don’t have to call this love
something that already exists.