If I’m a stone let me be
Let the world play tricks on my crumbling dust
but still feed me at the end of the day
in colors I can’t help but breathe in
If I’m a stone smooth me over
Hand me a brush so I’ll look like myself again
Live in a cave that wraps the water around you
like the one at the edge of my bed
I might sleep with danger
knocking at my door
but it’s better than sleeping alone
If I’m a stone hear my silence
like I’m letting things happen to me
but trust me, every time something hits
I take in the current and let it mold this heart
If I’m a stone let me be
If I’m the peaceful rushing sound
of this planet, hear me sing
Live in a stream where you let the world
form you instead of break you
Now I fel like a stone too
Nc wag the of a word around resilience. Well said. Stone brushes - nice. ~A~