Life always offers a second chance


Life always offers a second chance,

to those who dont let go their past.

So here's my advice to all of them,

please forget it now so you'll win this game.


Don't look back once you start moving on,

cause that will take you down that's all.

So let's just not let go this gift,

and let the world follow you for what you did. 


 - Taher Chakkiwala

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem does not have many  rhyms in it but it has a deep meaning of life. One should forget the perilous times of life and move on so that one day the whole world would know you for what you did in your whole life.

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Learn From Your Past

Like mistakes, if you forget them, you may do the same thing again. Living in the past is bad news indeed. Move on! I like this write (I am not a very good rhymer either) but Bishu mentioned you and I look forward to more of this wonderful wisdom soon - Lady A




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Hey, i am happy to see

Hey, i am happy to see someone acknowledge my work and i want you to have a look on other poems written by me and review them. Thankyou

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stands out or a friend on Postpoems mentions a name, I look, but not to review, to enjoy. Read the poets on the site and enjoy a wide range of styles to help you get better and better. Keep writing and posting. Be well.