The Beginning


The water kept running,

The winds kept swirling,

My eyes were twinkling ,

It was all confusing.


There happened a killing, 

Which left minds swinging,

What was that dangerous thing?

That was only the beginning.


But i had to keep running,

As that was the chiming,

And i kept on living,

In the end, it was charming.


 - Taher Chakkiwala

Author's Notes/Comments: 

People think life is easy. This poem is wrtten in order to tell people that life does not always go wherever we want it to go but we should not get confused and we should just accept whatever life offers us. There will be times where you will have to struggle but thereafter your path to success begins.

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allets's picture

Growing Older and Wiser

'...that was the chiming..." bells sounding - nice image