You Don't Know

If it calls, will i listen?
The summing
It Wont leave me!
Go about your dry day
Don't hear, don't feel
Ignore if you will
Here i am
You can't run, can't hide
I will overwhelm
Seeking an untouched space
One left for the real true feeling, not shown
But felt deep inside
If it's to much for some
I'll stay in the shadows
Ever dying inside
I'm what most don't see
But for the ones who do
There shut out
From the norm
But it's okay with me
I'm here for the brilliance

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saiom's picture

You are a gifted writer.

You are a gifted writer. Thank you for being on the forum..
and don't let anyone keep you out of the sun



CSwygert's picture

Much Thanks

I really thank you for the feed back