Sudden Imbalance.

There you sit, comfortable and secure

On the plate, upon a stick.

Then a hand grasps so tight,

And shakes with all it's might.


The plate spins round, all's a blur.

Faster and faster the plate now goes.

No time to think, just keep your grip

For all is gone with one small slip.


Slowly now, the spinning stops,

But wobbles take it's place.

All you have is a leap of faith-so you pray

That you land safe-as the plate falls away.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just a thought on how unstable life really is.

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nightlight1220's picture

Life isn't unstable. I think

Life isn't unstable. I think we'd be better off if that were the case. I see it as being people are unstable and so their lives become unstable. If more people knew how to reach out for a hand up and not a handout we all might be a lot better off.

... and vets (and others) would not be dying on the street in the gutter.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


sweetwater's picture

I see your point. But I was

I see your point. But I was thinking more of how accidents or illness can suddenly rock your whole world and snatch all control from your own hands.And the safe secure world you knew seems to fall from its axis and become very frightening.

nightlight1220's picture

That's true...but the person

That's true...but the person who is balanced to begin with always finds balance again... they take what they learned and move on...accepting life is harsh. It time, makes them stronger and they find balance with the knowing of the harshness of life.


Success is not when the world looks beautiful on the outside...but when your life on the inside is all that looks beautiful...and balanced. Even if it is only looking that way to you. Just an opinion and what has always worked for me... :-)




...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


sweetwater's picture

Sort of Go with the flow,

Sort of Go with the flow, regardless? If it works for you, go for it :-)