Musing In A Shady Wood.

And in the shade and 

shadow such

slendour boughs

to rise and fall,

holding the grace

of ink black



and shaken 


from silken 


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Wordman's picture

  The simplicity of what


The simplicity of what surrounds our lives every day is a pleasure to read, when painted with words by a true artist. 

Thank you for this, it's beautiful.  

sweetwater's picture

Thank you so much Wordman,

Thank you so much Wordman, it's amazing how the mind can show us something our eyes cannot see. sue.

S74RW4RD's picture

Excellent imagery. and also

Excellent imagery. and also the sibilance of the several words with "s" in them---that made me think of the sound of breezes moving through the trees.  I also thought of a passage from John Milton's Paradise Lost, in which he used sibilance to great effect (but, unlike your poem, the Miltonic passage was describing some diabolical aspects).


sweetwater's picture

Thank you so much :-) I read

Thank you so much :-) I read this out loud to see if it sounded right when read, boy did I trip over those S's!

Thats the most diabolical thing about my poem. sue. :-) 

S74RW4RD's picture

Well, Uncle John had a

Well, Uncle John had a dufferent agenda.  But you give us verbal beauty in response to the beauty around you; he did not do that, really.
