Eternal Story

Those dwelling in silence

Craving for their glory

Shattered by remains

An eternal story

With the frality of time

Lost in my thoughts

Dancing with darkness

Reliving what I sought

Secrets damned within me

Nightmares of laughter

Searching the frozen abyss

No more happily ever after

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allets's picture

A new adage

If youreach for the stars and only make it half way, you still have accomplished a great deal. Never stop trying, as the poet said, "To die standing!


Lady A




S74rd4rd157's picture

I selected this poem from

I selected this poem from your gallery at random and, hey, it's another ballad.  Great!  I like your style---motion but not bombast, and a very eerie ending.  I am glad to have read this one.


Vamprose999's picture

Thank you! Guess I never

Thank you! Guess I never really realized I mostly write in ballads. I find it best for me to express my feelings in quick subtle bursts.