when forever comes--i'll be with you

i need to write something beautiful and fresh

and close to the purity inside a raindrop

(straight from heaven)

i miss having the perfect lines to tell a story

to end a life with love

the best endings are pouring out with love

begging you to pay special attention

to each consonant

the important ones

and the others

i trust that you would read each syllable

and understand how they were written for you

specifically chosen

with your happiness in mind

and the impending smile that forms as you reach the end

knowing how each and every letter

is for you

i have no desire to win you over

(because you are mine

like i am yours)

but i trust you because i have found

that now

there is nothing left for me to do

i believe in you and where you are headed

as long as i am with you

i get to be a part of all the amazing things you create

my faith is better served in your company

because it was created in you

with you

for you

i witness you

speaking to every open ear

i love when you tell them about your life

including the parts about me

the happy

the sad


i wanted to write profoundly


every detail about what you do for them

what you do for me

painting a picture of you

heroically standing in front of lost faces giving them hope

your hope

telling them amazing stories about how you live your life

your semi-charmed life

your painful life

and those hopeful faces find themselves in you

just because you lived through it

and your still so alive

there’s just one thing more they crave

it’s not much

but you owe it to them

the reasons

you’ve shared your life


let them know why you’re living it

they need a reason too

i wanted to write something beautiful and fresh

to reflect my feelings

to write something just for you

so you know that my reason

for hanging in there

for living

is you

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is for cameron. and that is my comment.

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Thank you for this. Thank you so very much. I don't know what else to say, but I am not going anywhere. I will never leave you, I will never hurt you, I will always love you.