you were never part of my grass

we had nights built for talking speaking innocent words holding truth behind awkward silences and stilted sighs. summertime was made for crossover mornings laying in the grass filling the air with simple thoughts on how the world should treat love. we were slated to treat it well but when the time came to jump forward into an unknown- you and i gave up nights spent with simple things. we did love wrong when we began to fill the air with complex tales of guilt and fear. i could have become the grass with you on those nights when my heart beat wildly getting a high just from breathing your words. but i'll settle for watching the spot where our bodies laid marking the grass for days to come. i can smile watching the words hang in the air beging me to trust their reality.

               everything changed the moment summertime gave up rained from every direction but i didn't lose hope. my heart still beats so these words can treat love right.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i wrote this on the back of a stock request form in purple pen at work this summer. it was on my nightstand and someone who did me wrong this summer wrote "am i the grass" on it... hence the title. that it my story.

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Just...... Pandora's picture

powerful imagery..the flow of this poem took me back to memories, i enjoyed this read.