wrath: a 7 deadly sin

but i'm waiting for the perfect spectical of grandure, of hard hearted emotion. and one more time for you to leak a tear outside, if i were you, i'd just paint one there. the feeling won't be new for you. knowing the diffrence between love and lust is only a few letters against a defination i wrote strictly for you. if this cold could be replaced with anything happier, cancer would be on the list above it. because i'm freezing from the heart out and nothing matters but getting away. i'm addicted to you're goodbye, i just can't seem to get enough of your heartfelt notion of replaced anger that seeps into a simple wave. you've always meant so much to me. it's almost sad you'll never know. i want to tell you why i cry out silently when you are around, but that would defeat my reason for hating the world, and somehow, that doesn't sounds nearly as appealing.

i'm sorry, you're sorry. hey, at least i said it first.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

12-13-03 i wasen't unhappy when i wrote this, but sometimes i don't understand the things that come out.

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Josh Glasgow's picture

if this cold could be replaced with anything happier, cancer would be on the list above it.

Beautiful, really.