your beginning, my end

sing me into my dream tonight wrap me in your words don't hold me close, just fight off darkness i can't live this way without you enter into this knowing it will end love it for happening anyway keep me at arms length away, with a pen and paper between us tell me all about why you care... i don't need want you to act it out you hate sleeping alone... i relish my time without you there you mean something to me... just not the same thing i mean to you i don't want this to end... i didn't want it to begin

Author's Notes/Comments: 

12-7-03 written while i was deciding the fate of a relationship that haden't even started. (it never did)

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I don't know if you(the author) will read this but thank you. NO. YES. i don't know. I think i want to thank you for the reallife outcome of this poem. its complicated. I don't know if you would have wanted me to see this or not. anyway if you have any questions about my comments just comtact me...or maybe i'll get a hold of you. Don't know yet.