created in leather

trapped inside

why envy you

your wide eyed

painful love

you give

and take

make up for

their hate

all the years

they wanted you

and the moment

they left you alone

you were loved

on the inside

sharp whispers

in the form of


you were too good

for their darkness

tucked inside

your rough exterior

you were

the only one

i love

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the title came from us talking about how long edward scissorhands had been in leather... and this poem kinds came from that... i kinda like it. i wrote it during the scene when edward and kim are bonding in the ice/snow... it was sweet.

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Afzal Shauq's picture

good and impressive one... yeah its a very clear and good poem with rich thought and sure ... the way you did it is great and heart knocking of course... so I can loudly say that you are a sweet poet with honey poetic feelings and thoughts... hope my poetry has also that much strenth to make way to your heart and brain to capture as this poem of yours has done to mine.... wish you good luck peotry friend... with a hope you will go through my work know if its heart touchig or not?