colder then the ice in you

when you wake up from

your nightmares

please remember

that i went to


for help

don't take anger personally

you are not the world

(but mine does revolve around your

critical smile)

i'd love to hate every part of


but the truth is

i am too busy hating the

way i love you

why do i always

hate me more

when you hurt

who kisses lies

i won't be here forever

but i'll be here for now

and that'll be good enough

for me

i think it can be good for

you too

(as if i care somehow

what's good for you)

thanks for so nicely

agreeing to be my

tour guide

to reality

but i don't need you anymore

just a heart to call a home

you were my slice of sadness

when the world closed it's eyes

and my pain was caught

inside a window crack

it was waiting to be released

Author's Notes/Comments: 

go ahead... it's ok to stare.

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poetvg's picture

i loved it ;*)

Josh Glasgow's picture

Fantastic poem. So sad, though. I wish you weren't sad.