a breath between us

i think it's time for me to quit now

i don't think i can wait forever to see you again

and every moment is a moment without you

and if i could take them all

and watch them burn

i'd jump in the flames

and melt away my sorrow

is that a proper way to grive

because i seem to be caring less and less

and why is it so perfect

in a million years there would be no one but you

but years go by faster then i can

drop myself into denile

my life has been an open book

with an expired shelf life

and i want to be closed

until people start loving to read again

i want to make a statement

about love gone wrong

about love gone right

about love gone

but i want to keep it simple

a kiss on the forehead

a package of SweetTarts tucked into my pocket

from you

a calling card to take the good with the bad

because in the end

it goes down the same

and ends up as a memory

with a grasp on sweet

and a mouth full of sour

and nothing to bring you back

home is another place with you

and love is an experiment

with no catalyst to tell where to begin

just you and me

and when i breathe

it keeps us apart.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

isn't it sad to know that you can't stop yourself from prolonging happiness?

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poetvg's picture

i love this poem

Josh Glasgow's picture

Wow. That was.. incredibly nice..

but years go by faster then i can

but i want to keep it simple
a kiss on the forehead
a package of SweetTarts tucked into my pocket
from you

home is another place with you

and when i breathe
it keeps us apart.

Such a beautiful, beautiful poem. I love the last two lines. Sounds kind of like a "I want to die" type of poem.. which is.. bad. But it is so lovely. You really are a good poet.