i bleed ink for you

...words don't fail me now

you're all i've got


i'd bleed ink if it had direction

because i can't bleed real

                         for you

i was hopeful

the day you

        broke ties

with my answering maching


took my straight to the end

                 this is the end of you

breaking my heart

just to see if you can





you used to hold me


i thought i was safe when you said

                           "i'll never lose you"

nobody ever held me tighter

the way you did when you...

                     ...let me go

i was never able to hold you

                         you always had me first

                         you said i'd never lose you

you were right

                         you can't lose what you don't have

there's pressure in my head tonight

like my brain is pushing

                 against my skull

if i explode with pain tonight

                                 i changed my password

                                  from lonely

                                       to hopeful

...words don't fail me now

you're all i ever had


Author's Notes/Comments: 

sometimes i think i should stop trying... then i think would it change anything? probably. but i guess we'll never know.

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Josh Glasgow's picture

i was hopeful
the day you
broke ties
with my answering maching

I LOVE that line.

this is the end of you
breaking my heart

"This is the end of you". Fantastic, fantastic..

nobody ever held me tighter
the way you did when you...
...let me go

Truth. I love it. Fanastic. Suuuuuper. Soup. YES. Souper.

Brittany Bunker's picture

WOW! i love this...it's sooo beautiful. the title is so cool...i wish i could come up with good titles like yours =). i'm going to continue reading your poems!