scratching a pen on paper creates roughly drawn pictures that mimic life

it was between us and them

i drew a line across the room with the cord from the fan

and i was left standing alone

my side was barren and cold... it was between me and the world

i felt the shockwave as it tore through the room- i felt the tears as they ripped from my eyes

without a word they left me

i felt empty when the door slammed goodbye

i sat down to cry my tears, to write my words, to look at fear

i felt free when i gave them up to fly

i constructed stars for twinkling- large and small. and a tree that grew hearts from it's weathered branches reminding me that nothing is sacred... nothing is secure.

i dropped the hearts one by one- listened to them crackle

faintly screaming ouch for each one... i am teaching heartbreak, it's what i know

because i remember pain and how it felt to let it go

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i was drawing pictures in sociology this morning because it makes the hour and a half go faster... the italics are directly from the pictures i drew... well the words i wrote on them... everything else is well, life i guess. things are confusing right now. i need to break out of this reality.

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Brittany Bunker's picture

and this paints such a gorgeous picture...i can't even imagine how the drawings must look. this is so unique and painful.. i love it