I've still got it' this I know
but now it's really lost
and I'd like to find it pretty soon
at almost any cost
When I was young and in my prime
I carried it around
but now that I am old and grey
it simply can't be found
Oh then my hair was blond wih curls
and my eyes were asure blue
but now I've lost my sex appeal
and don't know what to do
I'd like to catch a boyfriend
and keep him on the hook
but if I found my sex appeal
I wonder if he'd look
Hearing aids in both my ears
I'm flabby here abd lumpy there
and I can't see and shed a tear
and this he wouldn't want to hear
my sex appeal has diaappeared
it used to be my pride
what used to be my happiness
has somehow up and died
My teeth I put into a cup
there on the bed side table
to retrieve them there in the early morn
that is if I am able
I'd love to get a kiss or two
I'd love to have a fling
but I've misplaced my sex appeal
where is the stupid thing
It's gone, it's gone it's really lost
my silly sex appeal
I just can't find it any where
and oh, how sad I feel
I've looked most every where I know
but it's just gone, I guess
and each morn when I view the looking glass
I see this awful mess
If you could help me find my sex appel
how happy I would be
I'd bring you flowers and kiss you're lips
Hay, don't run away from me
If I could find my sex appeal
I'd have a silly fit
I'd polish it up and strut it about
and still
you wouldn't look at it
Old Appeal
Young people want it
they crave it like kisses
and caresses and sighs.
It has wrinkles surrounding
it, under its eyes, and aroung
the ankles, but they want it.
Old appeal is like sex appeal
without the sex. It is renamed
odd things like know-how,
wisdom. Knowledge turning
into experience. And you have
to be old to get it.
Young men desire the mental
capacity to make a million dollars.
Old people could, but are not
interested. To exhausting.
young women want to know
how best to handle a man and how
to keep him beside her always.
Old appeal owners know how
but it is heart attack aka stroke
producing. Heavy breathing
leads to high blood pressure aka
clogged veins.
Some who have elderness appeal
might wish to trade it in for
a head full of non-grayed hair,
a slimmer waits, better vision,
teeth. But half of those some
remember how hard it was
to find and keep a mate and so
they prefer being old instead of
dreaming about being old
or wanting what the old people
have because they already
own it.