real friends

well tizzo you've been around for my high school career

than entering the real world you were still there

we used to cut out of lunch and light the chron

blow out of stewie what we got off braun

we'd just come knockin on your window and you'd be asleep

ready set blow, and we'd hot box the jeep

when weekend nights came around

the pong was always goin down

i don't know how many times i've seen you gone off your ass

whether it was the weekends or in Mr. Gilmore's class

I remember every time we got high

you and Biga would have to tackle me to put drops in my eyes

we'd just kick it and chill

always keepin that shit real

now my brother, you're movin to another state

but you'll most definitely be missed by the bay

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i'm gonna miss this kid!

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9inety's picture


ya'll should let it out the cage
an put dis jam on the stage

its dat real


"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot