Many Little Rhymes II

He once was known as Prickly Paul

Laid to rest this chilly Fall

He tried to walk when he should have crawled

And now he's known as Prickless Paul


This gentleman was blind you see

And had two dogs as blind as he

And when they'd take a quick relieve

On each other they'd sigh and pee


When the storm clouds fill the sky

Old Crone Withers would run outside

She'd jump and hoot and shout and cry

To join her man who'd killed and fried


Go ahead and check it out

I think I know what you're thinking about

Believe it or not, no doubt about it

Some big guys are proportionate


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Suicidalleming's picture

Hilarious!!!! Excellent skills!

Love & Respect through poetry

Veronica Williams's picture

Love em'
Truly short and to the point
But the trip to the point is a great thing