Super Mario Brothers Haikus

Cute (G)

Little Flower

Tempt me with orange blossoms

Now I throw fire


I fight for whom?

She is called Toadstool

I miss my wrench


A winged turtle

Assaults me from above

Zounds! I am shrunk!


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Anyone who grew up in the 80's has either played this game, wanted to play this game, or heard about this game.  And its sequels.  For everyone else, my apologies.

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Aidee Eighty's picture

<3 for these haikus. They're great and caused a huge smile.

Bruce Pickett's picture

I love the Haikus!!! I used to have a regualr nintendo, all I played was Super Mario. Well keep up the good work.

Kay Lynn's picture

i think i found the right words to describe how i feel about your mario bros and pac man Haikus. they are stupid, but the make me smile and laugh. and i don't mean stupid in a bad way, i just mean... i don't know. you know when your friend says something that is just totally dim witted, but it's funny anyway, and you don't really consider the guy dumb? well, anyway... yeah there you go

Jolynn Moore's picture

LOL I love this one. Long live silly haikus! ;)

Donna Allard's picture

This is wonderfull! About time someone wrote about Mario! I love your humor and your material... saphie

Kathleen George's picture

I just had to commend you on your use of such a great video game for poetry. They were all excellent, I especially loved the "I miss my wrench" line. Heheh...