

I always hear that word cancer, but I never thought it would happen to me or my loved one.

Then suddenly one day the news came, leaving me with nothing, but sadness, and anger.

Yesterday she was fine, and now your telling me she might die.

I hear those words, my mind goes blank, all I’m thinking is why as I scream, and cry.

I don’t want to go through this suffering again, last time it was to much to bare.

First auntie lost all of her hair, now its happening to her, none of this is fair.

I still am trying to deal with the news, but I cant seem to cope.

All day, and night all I do is cry. It just seems like there is no hope.

Just the other day we laughed so much together, and all was well.

Now it seems like I was ripped away from heaven, and taken through hell.

My cousin is sick, and I don’t even know what will happen. If she will live or die.

Everyone thinks I am fine, but they don’t know the happy side they see is only a disguise.

I don’t want them to see my fear, or have to wipe away my tear.

I try to be strong, but its not easy when everything is going so wrong.

I want it to all go away. I Want the cancer to leave us ALONE!

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