
  Imagine being a Jew back then.

Living in a world of hate and crime.

One where peace and love didn't exist.

Yet there you were an innocent indivisual,

with no control as to what was comming your way the next moment.

Alone and scared they each stood.

Mother, father, and even children.

Living under the control of the germans,

each moment there life being unfairly decided.

Who would die next,

or who would get to live a little longer.

Some dying a quicker death then the other,

Being held in concentration camps, starved, then shot.

Who were these people that called themselves nazis.

Thinking they could march into the lives of these innocent,

taking them harshly from there homes,

and into a world they'd never seen or ever look back from.

Children were separated from there moms.

Crying and scared it didn't matter,

for in a little while they would be quieted.

A common silence that would soon be known to all Jews.

A silence that would last forever,

and soon take over the concentration camp,

were these lifeless souls were being kept.

A place were death, among the breathing, was already known.

Robbed from there lives,

innocence and what they once knew.

They were starved,mistreated, and exterminated,

all as if they were nothing but disgusting insects.

Unfairly and unwillingly,

they gave into the eyes of hatred,

and there in silence and pain they were all murdered.

A sad and unimaginable act that would come to be called: "The Final Solution".

Later nothing being left

besides millions of bodies, and the smell of death.

Bodies that belonged not only to adults,

but children as well.

Imagine being born a Jew back then.

It wasn't fair being born into that world, something you did not ask for.

Yet being a human like no other ,

you were all hated, then killed, all because your eyes weren't blue,

and your hair wasn't blonde.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I actually had written this poem for my little cousin whose in 8th grade. I wrote it for her because she wanted to get a good grade and it turned out great, and her teachers loved it and she was the only one in class to score 100.(if they only knew a college student had written it (lol) I feel sorta guilty)

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Amanda Morris's picture

I learned about that In 9th grade history , Even if i hadnt though I think you did a good job expressing what it was and how it hurt so many people ,Very Sad and Expressive

 channa S.'s picture

very well done.. so much emotion is in it i felt like crying.. i thought of all the horible stories ive heard abt the holocoust,its like they had no feelings, the nazis