Alone At Night

Alone in the shadows I lay at night,

my mind and body filled with fright.

Waiting for these thoughts and memories to pass,

the ones that haunt me every night.

Alone and still I lay..eyes shut tight..

the flashbacks begin to play.

I can see you clearly now...holding me in place,

as you touch and kiss my body and tell me its ok.

My eyes suddenly open..where im once again alone in the dark,

this time..eyes streaming with tears.

There I remain all night waiting for this feeling to pass,

but they only get worse as the minutes roll by.

So I reach for the scissors, which I keep hidden under my bed..

and begin to slash at my arms for all that you did.

Now I feel hurting...yet calmed..

Now I can close my eyes and leave this world..

because for that one moment, everything is gone...

everything seems better.

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allets's picture

I Do Not Get Cutting

Life is filled with enough pain, accidental, unavoidable, child birth, dying. No need. - slc



poetvg's picture

ouch i
pain like that to :*( .

Danielle Howard's picture

I related to this one a lot. I think you are a wonderful poet. It helps a lot to get all of the pain out in words.

Dawn Slater's picture

I like this poem. I feel the same way you decribe in this poem. Life make u do things like cut. Good job on the poem.

Ivan Vallejo's picture

I really liked this poem. I write about pain, and I have written about cutting, but I never targeted one specific situation. I liked this one a lot. Keep writing.