He saw

Daddy you saw the cuts today,

and as if you weren't sure you asked to see once more.

Suprised by your question,

angry and sad you noticed,

I yelled and turned you away then quietly walked away.

Heart beating fast, mind racing.

I feel so scared, feel so sad.Would A lie have worked..

or do you already know what the mess on my arm is.

Free to go and everything forgotten,

Im relieved and calmed.

Yet why daddy?

why did you make it so easy and let it go.

You should have been stronger, known better.

You probably could have helped.

Could have stopped this madness for once.

Why daddy didn't you save me.

I wanted it so bad.

I want my scars to be seen and my cries to be heard.

I want help daddy and I want it now.

your slowly losing me and you dont even notice.

Today you noticed...I know you did.

your eyes met my frozen stare.

Yet I guess it was all to much for you to bear.

You knew once and nothing was done.

you called me crazy and resented my need for counseling.

you just never understood and never would.

Im alone again, hidden once more.

Back to my secret, and silent screaming.

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My dad said it was "normal" and I would outgrow it, My mom Tripped out and was trying to get me hospitalized and everything