Final Night

Final Night

I followed you home from work one night

Discreetly in pursuit

I watched you enter your house that night

I crept up set on mute

Silently and stealthily

I approached your door

I slowly eased down onto one knee

To see my little whore

I peered in through the letter box

To see you eat some food

I wanna rip those fucking clothes off you

Sorry to be so crude

You made your way on up the stairs

Now I had to move

Before you reached your new found love

Of whom I don’t approve

I still don’t know why you are with him

He’s nothing like what you look for

He’s arrogant and ug-a-ly

But the opposite of poor

It’s easy for all to see

You only want his cash

But in doing so you left me alone

And it’s your face that I will smash

I got inside through the back door

You must have forgotten to lock

I didn’t know what I was going to do

I was in a state of shock

I continued through the kitchen

And finally reached the stairs

Goosebumps were rising up my neck

I could feel the little hairs

I reached the landing quiet as a mouse

And looked both left and right

I didn’t know which way to turn

Until I saw a light

It was coming out from under the door

Of which was to my right

I swallowed hard and took a breath

This is her final night.

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lavalady's picture

This is amazing! I absolutely love this one! What are you talking about not having inspiration!? Looks like you are very inspired. Congrats on another wonderful poem!
