

Her phone was ringing

Clear as day

She took one look

And put it away

Moments had passed

It rang once more

This time she cancelled it

Of this I am sure

Why didn’t she answer?

This was so weird

I couldn’t rest

Until this was cleared

I left her a message

“Hey baby it’s me”

“Just calling to check”

“That you’ll be home for tea...”

At least an hour had passed

Before I got a reply

“Sorry, not home for tea. x.”

I let out a sigh

I blew out the candles

Scraped the food in the bin

I took out a glass

And filled it with gin

This had become quite frequent

She came home less and less

I was getting concerned

I must confess

Where was she going?

And what was she doing?

I had no idea

What was brewing

I had to follow her one night

I couldn’t just stand by

She pulled up to a house

She was looking all shy

She walked up slowly

Towards the door

Then tilted her head down

And looked at the floor

The door eased open

And out crept a man

What could I do?

I had no plan

I drove back home

And waited for her to come back

She came in through the door

And I verbally attacked.

“How could you!”

“I saw you!”

“You’ve cheated on me!”

“How long for?!”


“Who even is he!?”

We argued and fought

Still getting nowhere

I grabbed at my head

I was pulling my hair

“I still don’t get why”

“Was it something I did?”

She couldn’t even look at me

She looked down like a kid

She didn’t have an answer

She hadn’t even cracked

She seemed more concerned about

Being caught out in the act

“That’s it”

“Get out of my life”

It was over that quick

I’m released of this strife


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Amazing... Made me tear up some for real.