Flowing softly on mountain breezes far afield

Over aromatic bonfires lit to the deities of desires

Upon Lung Ta, wind horses, messages of love are carried

As little ideas nudge their way into the awareness of man,

Hidden treasures uttered before Christ, before Buddha,

Residuals of eons of subtle unconscious transference

Instinctive understandings, perceptions from within

Worming their way into the verve of human daily life

Minuscule intuitive offerings flowing from the distant past

Like echoes they resonate quietly through all of humanity


While in deep trances connected to the spirits of old,

Old shamans sang of these things on the Savannah

Ancient things transferred faithfully through the ages

Through fables and myths related by tribal wise men

These mysteries revealed in different folk legends

Disclosing similar meanings and comparable truths

Profound phenomena, inexplicable aged mysteries

Primordial legacies left by them for our discovery


Cool like a spring breeze over mountain peaks

Upon it comes celestial whisperings of the ancients,

It comes to me in the night a primeval communiqué

Transcendental offerings delightful to the psychic ear

An enchanted murmur, a harmony of distant melodies

No discordant chords or cacophonous refrains heard

Merely a slight trace of the wisdom of the ancients

Hidden carefully within the disharmony of the cosmos.


Written nowhere but heard in the tiny voices of birds,

Secreted exactitudes felt in aftershocks of earthquakes

Long held moribund under the earth’s crusty mantle,

Boldly stated by alcoholic preachers on street corner,

These secreted messages hold clandestine certainties

Ignored by the clamoring masses seeking more of more

Little realizing the paradoxical fact that God is nothing

Imitating God we ourselves must approach nothingness.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not for the faint of heart, a simple yet complex paradox, an irony.

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S74rw4rd's picture

I am impressed!

I am impressed!


Stephen's picture

Thank you.

As a philosopher, I do not expect you to accept all of the premises of the poem. However, as a poet I really do appreciate your comment.