
derived from a deep inner sadness . . . .

    the music of emotions sings

         placates the savage soul

              colates all emotions

     from alter-consciousness springs

         like a kaleidoscope 

              of color coded feelings 

the intensity insanely creative . . . .

    thus a poet is born

View stephen's Full Portfolio
redbrick's picture

A powerful expression

A powerful expression blending cultural and internal elements, providing an extra punch.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

Stephen's picture

Thank you.


S74rw4rd's picture

I like this new style of

I like this new style of yours, and I look forward to more.  (Yes, it is me, still kicking, lol.)


Stephen's picture

Thank you for your kind critique.
