I'm gonna kill myself one day soon
Just give me a noose, a gun, a knife
Temptation is rocking me bottom.
I'm sick of this feeling
This feeling of hate and torture
Everyone puts me down
-Everyone but my sister Leizl
and they don't know it yet.
I've cried a storm in my head
This rage- it's empowering.
It takes me over like the blood in my veins.
I hate it. I HATE LIFE.
I don't know how I ever came into this world.
I want someone to just cut off my circulation-
Cut off this air that I breathe.
It's full of filth and musk
Like the sewage that runs in my basement.
I need opium or some pain-killers at least.
Anti-depressants aren't working for me,
But then again, I haven't taken any, so why would they?
This life is depressing
And to make matters worse,
I'm still living.
I wish someone would just kill me NOW!