Wouldn't it be nice

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to fly

carefree and wild way up in the sky

Singing a song so happy and free

looking down on land and sea

What distant lands we could enjoy

see what is out there, oh what joy

Over mountains and valleys fly high and low

enjoy the sunshine, the rain but not any snow

To find a perfect place just to perch

as we look down below for a snack we would search

But we know we can't be a bird and fly

we're stuck down here looking up at the sky

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nightlight1220's picture

Nice thoughts. ...♡♥♡ Almost

Nice thoughts.


Almost as nice as my life right now. ;-)


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Stella's picture

thanks, I have so many things

thanks, I have so many things in my head but putting them on paper doesn't always make sense, maybe a break through at last

a.griffiths57's picture

    What imaginative poetry,



What imaginative poetry, to fly like a bird and see it all, wonderful. Even as a bird we would have to land sometime and would be looking up at the sky again. Liked your poem, well written and a good read, a simple flight of imagination.




Stella's picture

thank you for your comment. 

thank you for your comment.  I'm sometimes jealous of those little birds, they don't like where they are they can just fly away yet, so many return where they came from

allets's picture


The imagination soars and I like the idea of being a bird. The things seen, the perspective, and yes, to leave at will or by instinct - nice write - Just Bein' Stella

