A comment I received this morning has led me to the delightful consideration that the main secrion of my Ad Astra series has been completed. While I reserve the right, and the hope, to expand it further (especially with certain ekphrastic experiences), I believe that the series is viable in the event I am unable to add to it in the future. That is actually a relief.
My ideal purpose, now, would be to limit my poems to two specific themes:
--- the exploration and explication of the return to one's Faith precedents, and the adjustments and ramifications caused by, or following upon, such an event; and
---the cosmic exclusion from space of a dominant Terran political group, with expectations of unfettered conquest; and the inclusion, admission, and possibly invitation of a group (hated, despised, rejected, and openly persecuted by the domonant Party) into the transport and settling of outer space. These will be called The Ou/erSpace Papers, or some variant of that, and it will be a part of the Ad Astra series.