Our Dollar Bills---Every Durn One Of Them---Features Lines From The Poetry Of Vergil

From your ordinary dollar bill:

Annuit coeptis---Georgics I:40; Aeneid IX: 625.

Novus ordo seclorum---Eclogues IV:6.

I think it very interesting that the poems that provided these phrases were written by the chief Poet of Western Literature, Vergil.  His epic, The Aeneid, which many erroneously believed glorified the Augustan imperium was, when properly interpreted, very subversive toward that regime, depicting Aeneas as far superior, morally and spiritually, to Augutus.  The epic is also about the very earliest events that led to the founding of Rome by Trojan survivors of the Greek aggression; not about the founding of the Empire upon the wreckage of the Republic.

The Eclogue cited also predicts the birth of a child---of Divine and human parentage---somewhere within the territories of the Roman Empire.  As such, the early Christians held that Vergil the Poet was also a Prophet of the Advent of Christ.

Vergil's Eclogues also describes what is called, among some, "nonhet" Love.  Vergil, himself, was gay.  His lines adorn our dollar bills.  And the January insurrectionists can't do a damned thing about it.


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