God Given Rights

A local candidate running for a Senate seat on the discredited coattails of the Innkeeper has stated, on his campaign website, that the right to bear arms is God-given.

   I would ask Scriptural scholars, theologicans, and constitutional commentators to please advise me where (as I cannot locate it) God spoke in Holy Scripture (it need not even be the KJV) to declare that human beings, specifically those who identify as American, have a Divine right to bear arms.

   That sounds to me like a Divine Right of Kings---in support of which, Charles Stuart, or Charles I, was beheaded after conviction during his trial before the Parliament and the Puritan party.  

   I find it odd, too, that a good many of our so-called patriots like to remind us that most of the founding fathers were Deists and did not claim Christian affilication.  And, given that Deists dod not believe in or accept Scriptural revelation, how were these so called God-given rights given to human beings, specifically those who identify as Americans.

  Please help me out and cite the New Testament Scripture (in that it is directed to all nations, as Christ Himself instucted in Matthew 28:20).  I cannot claim to be a thorough Biblical scholar, but I cannot find the bestowal of a right to bear arms, in anticipation of belligerence, on human beings, specifically those who identify as Americans.  Would someone please direct me where to look?


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Jefferson, whose Declaration Of Independence, mentioned a Divine endowment of rights, without citing specifically where such an endowment could be documented, also tore pages out of his copy of the Holy Bible---pages that contained any kind of account with which he disagreed.  His memorial in D.C. will not last nearly as long as his soul's slow roast in Hell.

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