Bowing To Members And Merry Wives Of Windsor

I heard that a well known celebrity either bowed or curtsied to one of the displayed Windsors, or one of their merry wives, on American soil.

  My ancestors suffered and died in a Revolution that successfully expelled a titled aristocracy, from the crown of Crazy George to the cork and cherry popped by his most recent appointment to knighthood, from the shores and soil of this nation.  We replaced English aristocracy with American meritocracy.  That we compromise that heritage for a photo-op with a Windsor windbag, and perform a bow or curtsy to, apparently, make that person feel more at home here in the United States of The Rule of Law and the Reign of Meritocracy.  

   American society should do all that it can to prevent such behavior toward wandering Windsors (who deserve no nore than an invitation to expulsion to Canada), and toward those with royal pretensions---such as Innkeepers, their children, and their radical rootin-tooters in the refublican party, a party that apparently believes itself to be better than even its presidential founder, the supreme American martyr Abraham Lincoln.


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