On The Death, By Freezing, Of A Dog And Her Puppies; Remarks To The Perpetrator

Really?  Not in an alley, or some corner of the backwoods, but in a broken-down dog house insulated with a handful of straw.

Really?  You couldn't have fized up the structure before the onset of winter, since, after all, we are fairly cognizant of when this sort of bitter weather begins each year?

You had enough forethought, I admit, to throw in a few handfuls of straw.  Could you not have had the additional forethought of admitting the dog and her pups into some corner of your home?  Oh, yeah, you might have had to provide food and water---and those responsibilities might have interfered with your drug- or booze-induced bingeviewing of some stupid television broadcast, or of your many porn videos.

The deaths of that dogd and her pups on are your soul.  I hope their pitiful and dying cries echo in your ears for whatever time remains of your life.  And I hope the hell that receives you at your death is as Dantesque as you deserve.  On second thought, not even Dante's imagination could deliver you to what you deserve.

Your inhumanity has been proven by your lack of humanity toward those that are not human. Christ, Himself, in the Genesis account, granted humanity dominion over His earth and the lives within it.  Part of having dominion, perhaps the largest part, is responsibility.  

I hope you do not claim to be a Christian.  Few have deserved the title less than you.


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