I admit that I am not well versed, to make a pun, in the technical issues of keyboarding my poems on to postpoems. I have, just today, discovered---well, more candidly, stumbled over---the ability to change my font color to this metallic blue. This dovetails into my past from that cherished year of 1976 when I used a blue typewriter ribbon, in those days when the internet was a science fiction, and programming, for students like I was then, was in BASIC code.
Having found this wonderful change, I must now ask---because I really do not know---does postpoems provide a way to make this my default color? I do not mind clicking on it with each post, but I would prefer to have it default to that color automatically. Would someone who knows for sure, and how to, please advise me?
Thank you very much.
you have a rainbow of
you have a rainbow of colors,font sizes and other forms like underlining your poetry or changing back ground colors
ron parrish
Thank you, and yes, I am
Thank you, and yes, I am aware that I have all those colors available; but my question is, how do I make the color blue my defailt choice, or if that is even possible? That is the issue with which I am having difficulties with my own lack of keyboarding skill.