@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Terry P--- In The Mid-Seventies, An Ekphrasis

When someone created that photograph, now
uploaded to the internet (where all can see
your exquisite, still adolescent, beauty), you
had just (days prior) attained your eighteenth
birthday, being two years older than me (and
ages of consent, and legal adulthood, are so
important to certain crticizers).  In the
picture, you sat on the back bumper of some
vintage vehicle---maybe from the forties or
so.  Your hair, straight, shoulder length, and
parted in the middle, cascaded down either
side of your lovely face (those sparkling eyes,
that shy and coy smile).  You were clad in a
gray tee and brushed, black, bell-bottom jeans;
beneath the cuffs, your slender, playful feet---
shoeless, and for the heat of the day (and,
perhaps, the heat of my desire as well), bare.
Silly, societal inhibitions no longer silence or
intimidate me:  so I will tell you, here and in
through this poem, that I felt a "schoolboy"
crush on you.  I should like to think that the
very casual photographed, obviously candid and
not posed or composed in studio, occurred on the
Saturday following that Friday night in July on 
which, as I fervently believe, Christ called 
me from my bed and room to step outside and 
view that night's splendid array of stars.
You view them now from Heaven.  Therefore,
although i cannot deliver these words to you,
directly now, I will share them with you
when we meet.  I will speak them to you,
Terry, who were in that moment as I think
you must certainly be, now:
ultimately beautiful;
happily vivacious;
eagerly barefoot.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The picture I have tried to describe is very, very beautiful.  Terry's beauty, however, was and is even more so.

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