That small mound in the
flower garden's corner seems
so bare and still. A
small ball will not again be
eagerly chased and retrieved.
Author's Notes/Comments:
For Penny (September, 1969---January, 1984) and Monica (January 1972---May, 1986), thoroughbred Cocker Spaniels. Penny was buried in a corner of my parents' garden, and Monica was buried in a common grave in a pet cemetery. With Faith in the promises of Isaiah 40:5 and Romans 8:19-23, I look forward to seeing them in Heaven, even as we now face the prospect that our chihuahua, Zoey, is now in the late stage of her life also.
This really pulled at my
This really pulled at my heart, I also lost my Cocker Spaniel, and still grieve for him. So few words that cover so much heartbreak. sue.
Thank you. I, too, still
Thank you. I, too, still grieve for Penny (who was more my father's dog) and moreso for Monica (who was my dog). I never thought I would find another dog with as much empathy as Monica until we adopted Zoey (who was an unwanted pet prior to joining our household), over ten years ago. She has now become sedentary and is slowing down in a big way. My heart grieves that we must face another loss, but that makes the time we have left with her so much more precious. And my Faith tells me that death is only a temporary parting in the transfer from here to There, so I look forward to that reunion.
If I may ask, what was your Spaniel's name?
Starwardized [fka Starward]
My Spaniel's name is Harvey,
My Spaniel's name is Harvey, he was a Golden Cocker Spaniel, he was my Soul dog I've had dogs all my life but never had the deep empathy I shared with him. He made the world better, and helped me see and connect with nature, the poems just flowed from my pen like never before. I lost him 6 years ago and it still hurts as much.
For about 4 years I couldn't write anything other than my feelings of loss. I've written poems since I was 11 so not to have the desire to write was very strange. I asked Harvey to help me write again and he has. I know he is still here, so are my cats that I lost a few years ago. Time flows back and forth and sometimes it briefly connects us once again.
Thank you for telling me
Thank you for telling me about him. I appreciate your reply, and I will always be glad to say thank you for your comments.
Starwardized [fka Starward]