+ 2ND POEMS: Confession Of Failure

That which I should have appreciated.

I---cowardly, craven---sublimated.

fearful of being bullied and berated

by those whom my presence aggravated;

those who did not hold Love sacred,

but chose the stifling of their hatred,

imposed on me whom they deemed deviated.

These fragments of my soul that they mutilated

have been, in Christ, reintegrated.

In Heaven, where Love is celebrated,

the Love I denied and refused will be validated,



beyond the flat plane of the geometric mean,

by haters and prudes who fear Love and think desires obscene.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Because this is a poem of repentence, I have put it in emboldened purple appearance.  The fourteenth line is meant to be a pun on what little I know about geometry.

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