I Have To Pray For Someone I Dislike, 1

I have to pray for someone I dislike.

I have to pray, rather than spew my hatred,

and lift up someone I would rather strike

down, because a Christian's promise is sacred.

That promise's words I must now obey

with prayer for him, at least one in each day.

Too precious is the lifespan we have before death

to allow the wasting of even the slightest breath

to give my rage, against this person, vent.

And so I judge myself; and give this sentence---

that I must also offer real repentance,

which calls for change (behavior and intent!

a privilege, and not merely a grudging concession);

to keep my own Faith according to its Christian profession.


This is not quite the outcome I preferred;

but thus convicted, I will---be assured---

do my best to comply with Jesus' Word,

nor let the action called for be obscured.

Upon myself, I will pronounce this sentence:

right action must follow on my repentance.

Starward, a saved and baptized Christian, but the least of them all


Author's Notes/Comments: 

The last two lines of the Envoi were inspired by 1 Corinthians 11:31.

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