Imprecation On The Two Call Centers In Which I Worked, June 1, 2004-November 25, 2019

Two metaphors of Hell:  there, I, too long, struggled

mouthing scripted insipid, unconscionable lines

in the dim light of occlused corridors:

thinking of those Welsh Poets who labored in the deep mines.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

During the time period shown in the title, I worked in two call centers, having lost my administrative job in the banking industry due to politics that arose, originally, from the Enron debacle.  (I had the satisfaction to learn, later, that the reasons for my demise had been "engineered" without foundation.)  Although the second call center was a slight physical improvement (in terms of the furnishings, technical devices, etc.), the concept of call center transactions, and they are handled, was no different.  Although I am a Christian---and I should like to think a devout Christian---I would gladly pray the most severe and tortous imprecations down upon the person who invented the concept of call centers.

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