Footnote: Two Intimate Tanka. 1 [ /;\ ]

Clad, each, in thigh-high

white socks (otherwise naked),

the boyfriends---hands clasped---

walk the seaside sand (damp edge);

stars, looking on, admire them.

Damp sand stains the soles

of the boyfriends' long, white socks:

other stains, later

(thrusts; the delicate friction---

soft cloth, receptive seamstrings).

Dawn:  boyfriends' bedheads;

relaxed limbs embracing; crisp

white sheets cover them;

long white socks (soles sandgrimed) sheathe

their legs and feet, toes to thighs.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

These tanka are ekphrastic, based upon a photograph of RoamingThrough and LyricLine (I retain their handles out of respect); a most beautiful couple, entirely devoted to each other, and militantly monogamous.

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